


Inovar Para Mudar

Ensino Básico e Secundário

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A Escola Secundária Viriato foi agraciada com o selo Escola eTwinning 2024-2025, um reconhecimento ao trabalho desenvolvido pelos professores e alunos da escola com parceiros europeus, publicados na plataforma europeia European School Educational Platform/eTwinning e nos canais da Comissão Europeia.

Mulheres que mudaram o mundo

Publishing the Women Who Changed The World eTwinning Project

I am Mónica Gomes, English teacher at Viriato Secondary School and co-founder of the project with Ali Ünüs. I am proud to tell you about our project.

Logo and poster of our project

The aim of our project is to introduce female personalities who have left their mark on the world and to show their contributions to the present day.

Besides our school, the schools we cooperated with in our project are Siverek Karakoyun Middle School, Argıl Imam Hatip Middle School, Şanlıurfa Social Sciences High School, Bismil Anatolian High School and Selahaddini Eyyubi Anatolian High School.

We held online meetings for the presentation of teachers and students

Logo and poster design, visual and documentary research on the contributions made by female personalities and their contributions were made into videos.

Within the scope of March 8 International Women's Day activities, our students in the project made activities in their schools and made posters.We created social media accounts of our project and published our work.


With the Popplet web tool, we created products in collaboration with our students about the contributions of female personalities.

With the Artsteps tool, the students of each school created their own virtual exhibition as a final product. Women Changing the World We published our virtual exhibition on the internet and made it visitable. We also conducted and published teacher, student and parent pre-tests at the beginning of the project. After finishing our work, we conducted teacher, student and parent post-surveys and analyzed the knowledge and skills of teachers, students and parents at the end of the project and published them on our eTwinning page and the project's social media accounts. At the end of the project, we were left with our products and the skills and achievements we gained during the process. We are proud to have contributed to the project and to share the happiness of being shown as good role models for our own selves and at school. Our path was enlightened with the knowledge and skills we gained in the project.
Blog of the eTwinning project:

Instagram page of the project:

Facebook page of the project: